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  ADC中國設計中心是一家全球性的專業設計機構,秉承設計創造財富、設計成就品牌的理念,在中國最早推出在線設計服務系統 ,服務品質全面提高,邊遠地區的客戶也能獲得一流的設計作品。2006年ADC在服務全國的基礎上提出“為全世界提供一流設計”口號,確定了國際化的戰略發展目標。
  ADC擁有目前全球最大的設計師隊伍,匯聚了一批國內外設計精英和世界水平的專家。 ADC嚴格規范的資格評審,不僅是設計師引以自豪的奮斗目標,也是廣大客戶選擇ADC的重要因素。

 Art Design Center China is a world class professional design cooperation that provides outstanding design services to all over the world. Through the online design service system which is the first to be developed in China, the company is capable of providing quality services to outback and remote areas.In 2006 the company had set new course of business development which aimed at providing best design services to both within the country and all over the world.
 ADC has the largest number of designer team in the world, it had attracted a large number of world class designers, the high standard of qualification for ADC registered and certified designer is well known in the industry, it is the ultimate goal for designers to achieve and also the No1 reason why our clients chose ADC to be their design service provider.
 ADC had accumulated years of experience in providing design services over the internet, and with ADC's own quality standard to it is ensured that every design artwork ADC provide is at the highest quality. From the successful past experience ADC had gained mutual trusts between many famous large business organizations and with who had established a long term friendship and business cooperation.
 ADC's unique online services platform entitles our customer to quality services that's satisfying, time and costing saving. With the help of the online platform we are able to shorten the period of design services and simplify the business transaction in a few clicks.ADC had also provided a variety of design service packages to suit businesses that's big or small. We provides the complete design services package that helps large organization to solve all their design related problems meanwhile providing low cost package that targets several common needs that normal medium to small organizations may have. And through our high quality design artwork and outstanding customer services we have built a high reputation and received numerous of complements.
 DesignChina also provide marketing consultant services for foreign designers to participate the world's largest market China. For the last few decades, China has achieved marvelous economic growth and as a result a market which high demands in service industry arises. In recent years, the government has recognized the economical significance of service industries through the growing demand in local market, especially the design industry and other intellectual and artistic industries were recognized as the next economy growth potential. By inviting foreign designers to local market and exporting local design services to a broader context by the help of internet, we hope to achieve promotion of the exchange in advance design ideas and concept meanwhile heightening local industry service standard and hence provide best design services to the whole world. With our thoughtfully designed market promotion packages, we can introduce foreign designers to the local market with well recognition in a short period of time even without the physical appearance of the design in local market. By the help of our advance online system, foreign designers are entitled to access the largest market in the world with complete package of marketing consultancy and trading assistance.

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ADC中國設計中心 © 2006 版權所有 服務熱線:+86-755-21041837