作為一名來自印度加爾各答的街頭攝影師,我走下飛機,進入了跳動的紐約市中心,心中既興奮又惶恐。紐約素有“不夜城”之稱,它張開雙臂歡迎我的到來。在女性街頭攝影師(WSP)藝術家駐地的兩周時間里,紐約的活力和人民的熱情充滿了我的心。這次駐留是一位匿名的WSP贊助人慷慨贈與的,在我與徠卡女性攝影項目(Leica Women Foto Project)合作舉辦的年度女性街頭攝影師節上,我的個展達到了高潮。對于街頭攝影師來說,這是一個難得的機會,我非常感謝Women street Photographers,特別是創始人和策展人Gulnara Samoilova和導師Nina Welch-Kling,他們堅定不移的支持。
Stepping off the plane and into the pulsating heart of New York City, I felt a rush of excitement and trepidation as a street photographer from Kolkata, India. Known as the city that never sleeps, New York welcomed me with open arms, its energy and the warmth of its people filled my heart during my two-week stay at the Women Street Photographers (WSP) Artist Residency.The residency, a generous gift from an anonymous WSP patron, culminated in my solo exhibition, which was part of the annual Women Street Photographers festival in collaboration with the Leica Women Foto Project. This opportunity was a rare gem for a street photographer, and I am profoundly grateful to Women Street Photographers, particularly founder and curator Gulnara Samoilova and mentor Nina Welch-Kling, for their unwavering support.