真正重要的谷倉發現的數量越來越小的一天,這1961法拉利250 GT系列II是重要的,因為他們來了。這輛法拉利自1971年開始停放,最初的所有者是卡洛斯·阿巴斯(Carlos Abarth),他是阿巴斯公司(Abarth & c)的同名創始人。這家帶有蝎子徽章的賽車、公路和升級版菲亞特汽車制造商在70年代初被菲亞特完全收購。阿巴斯在1966年賣掉了這輛車,之后它進入了美國。現在的車主在1968年購買了這輛車,并在1971年把它停在他的車庫里,在那里停放了52年。
The amount of truly significant barn finds gets smaller by the day, and this 1961 Ferrari 250 GT Series II is as significant as they come. Parked since 1971, this Ferrari was originally owned by Carlos Abarth, the namesake behind Abarth & C. The scorpion-badged maker of racing, road, and upgraded Fiat cars was bought out wholely in the early '70s by Fiat. Abarth sold the car in 1966, after which it made its way to the US. The current owner purchased the car in 1968, and in 1971, parked the car in his garage where it would remain for the next 52 years. The car is now listed for sale on eBay at a bargain basement price for a 250 GT — although getting it back to drivable condition will cost the next owner an order of magnitude more.