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2024-04-30 1672 0
有機會去看看杰弗里·戴奇畫廊的狼群展。對那些熟悉Crystal Moselle的紀錄片《狼群》(2015)的人來說,萬圣節對安古洛兄弟來說是件大事。他們在一個嚴格的環境中長大,在很大程度上被限制在狹小的公寓里,自制電影是一種重要的想象逃避形式。這次展覽(11月1日結束)展示了這對兄弟多年來制作的許多服裝和道具。其中還包括攝影師丹·馬騰森(Dan Martensen)的一系列肖像照,他把他們的攝影作為為安圭洛(angulos_8217)拍攝的另一個平臺。

single-post__content clearfix" data-random-id="" data-post-id="71042" data-next-post="">What did you do for Halloween? If you were in New York hopefully you had a chance to check out The Wolfpack Show at Jeffrey Deitch’s gallery. For those familiar with Crystal Moselle’s documentary, The Wolfpack (2015), Halloween is kind of a big deal for the Angulo brothers. Growing up in a strict environment, and largely confined to their small apartment, homemade movie-making was an important form of imaginative escape.The exhibit (which ended November 1st) featured many of the costumes and props the brothers made throughout the years. It also included a series of portraits by photographer Dan Martensen, who used their photo shoot as another platform for the Angulos’ staged recreations. Check out the trailer for The Wolfpack and more images from The Wolfpack Show below!Crystal Moselle’s WebsiteThe Wolfpack Film WebsiteVia Creators Project <
