不尋常的果汁盒包裝看起來像一個真正的橙子,打破了傳統的矩形形狀,讓喝橙汁更有趣。跟無聊的長方形果汁盒說再見吧。孩子們和一些成年人會喜歡喝他們最喜歡的橙形果汁盒!由Preston Grubb設計的橙形果汁盒概念。

Unusual juice boxes packed to look like a real orange break away from the traditional rectangular shape and make drinking orange juice more fun.Say goodbye to boring rectangle juice boxes. Kids and some adults will love drinking their favorite juice from the new Orange Shaped Juice Box!Orange Shaped Juice Box concept designed by Preston Grubb.Juicy Juice PackagingAlso check out: Fruit Juice Packaging