位于里士滿的弗吉尼亞聯邦大學(VCUarts)平面設計系副教授兼系主任David Shields現在將其用于海報中,宣布暑假后即將到來的活動。“沒有,歡迎Back”結合了字體家族的常規樣式和背景樣式以獲得彩色效果。
">Hobeaux Rococeaux, “a stylistic hybrid between Hobeaux Classic, and Carlyle Rococco” (OHno Type Co.), was released in June 2016.David Shields, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Graphic Design at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCUarts) in Richmond, has now put it to fine use for a poster that announces the upcoming events after the summer break. “Welcome Back” combines the font family’s Regular and Background styles for chromatic effect.Learn more about The Process of Hobeaux Rococeaux.