Benny Au區德誠
Amazing Angle Design 設計總監,Amazing Twins 原創人之一。九十年代將其設計帶到日本,于東京、大阪等地展出,并與新力及日立合作,發展原創產品系列及廣告制作。除專注于平面及字體設計工作外,更于工作坊開設 miniminigallery, 致力策劃有關設計、攝影和書籍的展覽及座談會,其中大型設計活動包括「SEVEN ﹣日本頂尖美術指導展」、「日本東京字體指導協會展在香港」、「東京設計周2007 Love from Hong Kong 展覽」及「深圳香港設計邀請展」。
作品除被國際多間美術館收藏,亦屢獲香港及海外設計獎項, 2008年當選香港十大杰出設計師。
Design Director of Amazing Angle Design. Co-creator of Amazing Twins. Works premiered in Japan in 1990’s and toured in exhibitions in Tokyo and Osaka, and at the same time, collaborated with Sony and Hitachi to develop original products and advertisements. While focusing on his graphic & typography designs, Benny also founded miniminigallery at his design studio and organizes exhibitions and seminars on design, photography and publications. Some of the large-scale activities include “SEVEN – showcase of top Japanese art directors” and “Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition in Hong Kong”, “Love from Hong Kong” at Tokyo Designers Week and Shenzhen Hong Kong Design Show.
Many of Benny’s works have won and are recognized by local and international creative awards, and also, are collected by museums and galleries worldwide. Benny was awarded Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Designer in 2008.
Bai Xiao Ci & Tie Bei ke
白小刺 & 鐵貝殼
Bai Xiaoci (Shen Xiaoming), photographer and blogger. Bai was born in 1974 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. He now works and lives in Shenzhen. Bai starts taking photographs from 2004 who pays attention to cities in China and its urbanization. His photograph works were selected by contemporary art exhibitions in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taipei, Milton Keynes…
Long term photography project: "I LIVE HERE" , " Government Building in China "," HOW TO MOVE "… They are extensive series of photographic images, or typologies, of Chinese urbanization. His photographic blog, "", has been selected the only Chinese blog for the Best Multi-media weblogs launched by Deutsche Welle for "2005 International Weblog".
Bi Xue Feng & IMAGRAM
畢學鋒 & 言文設計
中國美術學院設計學院 研究生導師
GDC 07展金獎,銅獎優異獎十余項;
99年和09年 “第九屆全國作品美術展覽”藝術設計類銀獎和銅獎;
Chen Zhuo Xin & OFF POP Studio
陳卓鑫 & 負波普
負波普學會,于2010年由漫畫敘事人Peter Chen 組建,通過獨立漫畫去創造充滿“日常趣味”的怪幻事物,是傳播“負波普 OFF POP”文化的創意團隊。負波普學會在“正”常生活里傳播各式怪幻奇異的“負元素”----或是科學怪物、星外幽靈、俠儒道怪;或是時空旅行、平行宇宙、機械智能...通過 “怪幻的負宇宙”去映照“失常、失真的日常世界”,啟迪大眾重新審視“荒誕、迷失的當下現實”。
OFF POP is a new POP culture style .“Off” acts as a state of “Off Reality”, thus “Off” encourages making fun of daily life by using “abnormal” and “offbeat” elements,such as aliens, robots,supermans and buddhas. The cheap and strange fantasy created by “Off Pop” shocks the usual and insane daily world, awakens people to “get offline” from the mad lost life machine.Off the cage, to get soul free.
Du Feng Song & DuDo Design
杜峰松 & DuDo 設計
DuDo DESIGN——深圳市杜峰松設計有限公司創作總監
第九屆全國美術作品展銅獎 / 2000年北京國際商標標志雙年展兩項設計獎 / 法國“水與人類”主題海報展 / 作為百位華人設計師之一受邀參加加拿大蒙特利爾“中國1920-2000年”海報展 / 美國費城當代招貼設計展;2001香港國際海報三年展 / 2003年“平面設計在中國”展包裝設計獎 / 2004北京AGI大會推介設計師 / 2005年“平面設計在中國”展銀獎 / 2007年“平面設計在中國”展協會獎 / 2007年受邀參加《Domus》“iN SPACE ”視覺城市獨立課題研究創作 / 2008年受邀參加“2008奧運設計展之國際海報設計邀請展” / 2009年入選GDC 09“平面設計在中國”展 / 2009年受美國AIGA邀請赴美參加“平面設計在中國”展 / 2010年受邀參加“2010海峽兩岸海報邀請展” / 2011年“GDC 11”展公眾獎 / 2011年TYPOJANCHI 2011 SEOUL / 2013 年字•匯- 中美兩國字體設計展。作品被法國、波蘭、加拿大、美國、日本、香港及國內等許多文化機構和博物館收藏。
Du Feng-Song Born in Xi'an,ancient capital of China. Until 2001 he founded DuDo DESIGN. Du Fengsong is the Vice-chairman of Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA)
Gao Ming & Brother Design
高鳴 & 兄弟設計
2009年 藝術個展《只有時間才能和時間賽跑》
2012年策劃《OCT- LOFT電梯轎箱藝術項目》群體藝術實踐
2013年 城市形象電影《這里仁和》
藝術微電影《OCT- LOFT創意園》
URBANUS都市實踐,當今中國最具影響力的建筑師團隊之一,由劉曉都、孟巖和王輝創建于1999年。都市實踐完成了一系列不同尺度和功能的設計項目,涵蓋從文化項目(大芬美術館、華•美術館、唐山城市展覽館、唐山博物館、上海世博會深圳案例館,羅湖創意文化廣場),住宅(土樓公舍、美侖酒店公寓),公共空間系列(東門廣場、翠竹廣場、筍崗廣場),舊城改造(OCT Loft規劃設計),政府辦公(南山婚姻登記中心、規劃大廈)到大型城市綜合體(地鐵大廈、中廣核總部大廈)等多個類別。都市實踐多項建成作品獲得重要建筑獎項,在世界各地參展及出版。合伙人應邀在國際重要學術機構講座并擔任國際競賽評委。
Founded in 1999, under the leadership of partners Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng and Hui Wang, Urbanus is recognized as one of the most influential architecture practices in China.
Urbanus has completed a series of design projects featuring various scales and functions, which cover the range from cultural (Dafen Art Museum, OCT Art & Design Gallery, Tangshan Urban Planning Museum (Tangshan Museum, Shanghai Expo 2010 Shenzhen Case Pavilion, Luohu Creative Culture Plaza), residential architecture (Tulou Collective Housing, Maillen Hotel & Apartment), new urban public space (Dongmen Photography Plaza, Jade Bamboo Cultural Plaza, Sungang Central Plaza), renovation of old urban area (OCT Loft Renovation), civic (Nanshan Marriage Registration Center, Shenzhen Planning Building),and Large-scale urban complexes (Shenzhen Metro Headquarters Tower (CGN Headquarters Building). The works of Urbanus have been awarded numerous prestigious architecture prizes, exhibited and published worldwide. The partners are regularly invited to lecture at renowned universities and academies and to be jurors for international competitions.
Mooz Imp & Miu Trio
木子小鬼 & MIU
Mooz Imp & Miu Trio are Living in Shenzhen now . We have specialized in graphic design. We often hang around with the crowds in all kinds of activities to explore in the comings and goings of the thinking of watching at OCT-LOFT where we have lived for 2 years. No matter where to go, the external things are not as we come and go, but the creation is always accompanied with us.
We are keen to have a story of the little things, be fond of any form of art and new ones. This time we use a different perspective to present “rediscover OCT-LOFT map design” which we have in mind, It is a diverse magical story with combination of three different technique of expression to creative different scene. If only be designed is like line with shadow, In that way, please don't stop , to thinking and feeling until farewells at that moment.
Yibang arts actmty center
Shenzhen Yibang art studio , the original to Yudong Yu art studio, founded in 1999. For many years engaged in artistic creation, and research;Organized several children's painting exhibition in Guan Shanyue Art Museum and He Xiang Ning Art Museum; Attended exchange activities in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, France, Germany etc. Actively participate Xu Bing 'Mu Linsen' Art and social welfare activities. March 26, 2012, Shenzhen Yibang art activities center officially incorporated in Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau.
Activity center binding now adolescents physical and mental development with the needs of society, family; research and analysis the status of art teaching in primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen. Through artistic creation, the art of teaching and research, art exhibitions, exchanges and other activities, extracurricular art for primary and middle school students in Shenzhen education to build a good platform to do a bridge of communication in society, schools, students, and ultimately improve the quality of education of primary and middle school students and services.
Yang Zhen & Firewolf Design
楊振 & 火狼設計
2012年12月中國深圳 “在空間畫廊” 《漂移》當代藝術展
2012年12月中國深圳 第一屆深圳國際藝術博覽會《深圳動力》當代藝術展
2012年8月中國深圳 華僑城OCAT 《OCT-LOFT轎廂項目》藝術展
2012年5月 中國深圳 坂田手造街創意展覽中心 《從深圳出發》藝術展
2011年12月 中國深圳 自在空間《第4屆深港城市建筑雙年展之——“客廳文化”藝術展》
2011年12月 中國深圳 F518綜合展廳《“創想烏托邦”深圳創庫5周年藝術展》
2011年8月 中國北京 北京國際展覽中心 《第十四屆北京國際藝術博覽會》
2010年5月 中國深圳 華美術館《“視覺碰撞”藝術作品展》
2007年12月 中國深圳 巴布畫廊 《第2界深圳城市建筑雙年展之——“G+C消費與涂鴉”藝術展》
Yeung M, 1973, was born in Henan
1998 graduated from the Art Institute of Hunan University of packaging design.
Artists, has been living and working in Shenzhen.
Xiang Fan
Fan Xiang is an Assistant Professor and the founder of Information Communication Design Program at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China. As an artistic designer, Fan’s activities range widely from the arts, design, technology, to educational fields. Her research and practice focuses on data visualization, interactive design, and wayfinding signage systems.